During these uncertain times the community of St Luke's has put together some online resources to help you. The resources will change as time goes by so keep checking back.
All three of our Sunday services are in person at 8am Said Holy Communion, 9am Family Service and 10.30am Parish Worship. The church is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings between 8.30am and 9.15am for meditation and private prayer and there is a midweek Holy Communion service at 11.30am on a Wednesday.
On Zoom with St Luke's on Sunday, 9am Family Service and at 10.30am our Parish Worship, please sign up on on the calendar to receive the log in information. The supplementary service sheet for Sunday Parish Worship at 10.30am on 27 February is available by clicking here. Evening Prayer is also available on Zoom at 5.30pm each weekday evening. Sign up on the calendar on the website to receive the link.
We continue to upload the sermons of both Lorenzo and Yunghee to our website. It is a great opportunity to catch up on any you missed, some are available to watch as well!
Some Sunday services have been recorded to watch or listen to again. They are available on the Sermons Page. Click here to access them.
This is the link for the map and information for Alex's walk the local churches for Christian AId. Happy walking!
The resources are all available on the Junior Church page. There are activity sheets, Messy Church for VE Day and competitions to enter.
This is the link to the audio files for the choir to sing along to
Please do keep in touch with us. The Parish Office phone is being monitored and you can email the parish office, vicar or wardens in the usual way.