A short service with an address but no hymns (the 1662 Book of Common Prayer is used on the last Sunday of the month). In church. Followed by coffee and croissants on the first Sunday of the month.
A very family-friendly service with a short talk and Holy Communion. In church followed by coffee and biscuits and activities for children.
St Luke's main service in church and on Zoom.
This is our main service with Choir and Junior Church (currently on hold). Following the opening hymn and a prayer, children may leave to go to the Community Hall. They come back to join the congregation in time for Holy Communion. On the first Sunday of the month there is Laying on of Hands in the Lady Chapel.
Please click here for a copy of the reading sheet for Sunday 16th February
Please click here for a copy of the online reading sheet for Sunday 16th February
Please click here for a copy of the Order of Service Book
This is usually Choral Evensong, with others services in accordance with church festivals.
Please see the Notice Board outside church for details of the next Evening Worship.
Meditation [Lady Chapel] currently suspended
Evening Prayer [ Zoom] Currently on hold
Thomas' School Assembly
Evening Prayer [ Zoom] Currently on hold