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Junior Church

Currently Junior Church on a Sunday is on hold. 

In the week we hold Pray and Play on a Wednesday throughout the year at 9.30am and during term time a Stay & Play Drop In Playgroup on Thursdays from 2.30pm to 4.30pm in the Community Hall. 

Junior Church for children usually takes place in the Community Hall during the 10.30am Sunday service.  Children under 3 are very welcome to stay in church 

All children are in church for the first part of the service. After the first hymn they are invited to the front of the church to light the peace candle and say a prayer before going to the hall for their activities.  The children return to church in time for a blessing - at the altar rail with their parents/carers (children in the Junior Choir return a little earlier).

If at any point your child gets restless or bored there are toys available at the back of church.  There are also loos and nappy changing facilities in the Vestry by the pulpit on the left hand side.


During the pandemic  we thought you might like to join in some activities.

Here are some resources!


Messy Church at Home