

Advent Carols with Quorum  1 December 5.30pm

A service of readings and carols, a peaceful start to Advent and Christmas preparations. 

Cafe Carols  15 December 4pm

Cafe Carols is back!  Come and join us on Sunday 15 December from 4pm for cake and coffee, mulled wine.  Suitable for the whole family, readings, carols and fun Christmas songs!

Christmas Play & Pray  18 December 9.30am

Festive Play & Pray, there will be nativity story at 10.15am and there will be Christmas songs and craft activities. From 10.30am we welcome all adults to join us for coffee and mince pies. 

Nine Lessons & Carols by Candlelight  22 December 7pm

Will be both in church and streamed online please sign up on the Calendar on the website to attend the services in church or to receive the zoom link.

Christmas Eve

 4.00pm  Nativity Service.

11.30pm   Midnight Mass will be both in church and online please sign up on the Calendar on the website 

Christmas Day

08.00am Holy Communion

09.30am  Christmas Day Service

We wish you all a happy and healthy Christmas and look forward to celebrating with you at our online services
