christian aid

Christian Aid Week 2024

During May  members of St Luke's Church gather together to raise much needed funds during Christian Aid Week. You are invited to get involved; please contact the Parish Office for more details 020 8772 0463 e-mail.

If you would like to make a donation to Christian Aid please click here 

Plant Sale - Sunday 12 May

There will be  a great selection of plants for sale after all three of our Sunday Services on 12 May.

Courtyard Cafe - Wednesday 15 May 9am to 4pm 

Delicious cakes, coffee and tea available to buy throughout the day in the Community Hall at St Luke's (194 Ramsden Road). All provided by volunteers with all takings going directly to Christian Aid. Open to all - do come along.

Car Washing - Sunday 26 May

Come along and have your car washed - please contact the Parish Office

Rich Poor Lunch - Sunday 19 May

Come and learn about the work of Christian Aid and enjoy a meal. Tickets available online through the interactive calendar.

About Christian Aid

Christian Aid is a charity of the churches in the UK and Ireland working to assist those in greatest need - irrespective of religion or race. Christian Aid works directly with local organisations within the countries they are supporting and all funding goes directly to the projects and communities not to their governments.  Please look at the Christian Aid website to learn more. 

For more details on all the above events please see the Christian Board at the back of church.

Christian Aid - girl